- You MUST return on or before the check-in time. A Late fee of $125 will be charged to your credit card if you are late. Any Renter who is more than 1-hour late, will automatically be charged the full-day rental rate of $289 (plus the $125 late fee). Please be considerate and arrive on time. We have other guests waiting for your Slingshot to return.
- Your Slingshot must return clean. Any Renter who returns their Slingshot with excessive dirt
and grime will be charged a $125 cleaning fee. - You must return the Slingshot in compliance with our Fuel Policy listed above.
- You must return the Slingshot without any new damage and in the same condition that you originally received it. YOU ARE 100% LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS. This includes excessive wear to tires that are inconsistent with normal tire wear and tear patterns.